SMEs providing AI-powered services see their customer base dwindle and investors fall away. AI is now limited to public transport and security services.


Following the French/Italian scandal of 2032, a large-scale investigation by the EU into AI reveals quite a few institutions that let AI make decisions without oversight. Several of them are issued significant fines. SMEs providing AI-powered services see their customer base dwindle and investors fall away. AI remains a relevant technology for government surveillance and security services, although it is rebranded into “computational government”.

All privacy boards are now called DSPB, following an amendment to the GDPR explicitly recognizing their position and power.

The last professional liability insurer to cover AI-related incidents in business ends its coverage effective January 1, 2035. Only automotive and air transport remains covered.

In a collective lawsuit, a Belgian office complex owner is held liable for privacy violations committed by one of its tenants, largely because it knew of the violations but turned a blind eye. The reporting on the case scares many in the real estate rental and standard business contracts start to include a clause permitting immediate eviction in case of structural privacy violation on the premises.

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